Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Many, Many Rides
I need to get a new phone. My current one still works but to has broken in two peices. I'm thinking about getting a phone to send and recieve emails and has wi-fi. Mostly, I thinking about next summers bike ride. Getting a phone to keep the journal up to date instead of getting a computer. Still thinking about it...
I rode out to Battleground Saturday. It wasn't supposed to rain but about 20 minutes in the rain started. The weather is supposed to be nice for another week and I haven't put the front fenders on yet - what a mess!! I stopped at Battlegrounds for a soy latte and let my jacket dry out a bit. The idea was to go up Kelly Rd hill - I'll get there next time. I also lost traction going up a short very steep hill on the way back. Not good!! I ordered a new tire with tread and kevlar belt for the back tire and a rain jacket.
Yesterday I went for my yearly MRI and blood work appointment. I'll get the results on Thursday and see if the tumor removal and hormone levels are still doing good. The surgery was over 3 years ago and every year I've felt better and better. Especially emotionally. I don't have the ups and downs I used to have. The only issue left is weight. I'm hoping all the biking will help. I just cracked 200 and the numbers are going in the right direction. It feels doable - maybe I'll lose wieght riding around the country - you think?
Now I'm off the watch the c and b city league teams.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Back to the Business of Biking
This cow was pulling on a branch shaking the tree to get the apples to fall.
On my way back past the same farm there were many more cows looking for hand outs from the smart cow.
Yeah, what do you want to do about it?
Thursday, September 28, 2006
What a week
Eve and I had such a nice visit together in New York. We got along so well and laughed a lot. I hadn't been to New York in about 18 years. The city is so much cleaner and quieter. The last time I was there the smell of urine was everywhere. There were used condoms, needles and rats all over. The city was so noisy I just couldn't stand it. The difference was amazing and welcome. The weather was also really good. I had such a good time being with family. We met up with cousin Helen at the Met museum. She is an intense woman who has a tremendous passion for music and the arts. After walking around a show we walked a couple of blocks to a restaurant for lunch and met up with Jodie and her friend Serit from Isreal. It was really terrific to hang out with the family. They were all talking about family relationships bringing up names I'd never even heard of. Everyone had such a good time. Eve and I left there and headed for the TKTS office to see what tickets were available and ended up seeing a show about Mary Lincoln. It was the most disappointing show we saw all week. To be fair, it was in preview but I don't think it showed much promise. Lots of holes in the story, the costumes were poor, the direction was boring and the music wasn't interesting. Everyday we would have breakfast at our favorite deli and then go exploring eventually finding our way to TKTS for the evenings entertainment. We ended up seeing a piano recital, a musical (Spelling Bee), an opera (Semele) and a really great play (The History Boys).
Eve and I at the Met Museum
Eve at the Opera
Eve and Jodie
Monday, September 25, 2006
Wedding of Weddings
Eve took a nap while I watched part of the men's semifinal (Roddick/Youzhny) on tv. We got ourselves all made up and headed out. We, again, took the crosstown bus and then headed down 5th ave. We joked that our earlier trip had been a dress rehearsal. The wedding didn't start until 8 pm and we got there on time. I hate being late so this was important. The wedding was at the Pierre Hotel. Not a big hotel but very elegant. The wedding took place in many, many rooms and the first was an entry room. It was round with a dome ceiling and 2 sweeping staircases painted in light blue with a cupid like theme. In the middle of the room was a small round table with an enormous, gorgeous flower display. There were intricate long flower garlands that went up both sides of the sweeping staircase. On the table were envelops set in brass holders with everyones name on it. The envelop had a dinner table assignment number in it. Eve kept the brass holders as a keepsake. From here it was a few steps up to the wedding room. It was absolutely beautiful. There were flowers everywhere. Garlands draped over everything that would hold them. The walkway down the aisle had these giant palmtree looking creations that were at least 15 ft tall and made entirely out of flowers. They also had small oil lamps hanging from them. Since it was a Jewish wedding the ceremony was short and sweet. Everyone looked terrific. There was a small orchestra playing classical music throughout. The glass was broken and it was time to go into the next room.
It was actually a series of 3 rooms. The orchestra broke up into trios and quartets and spaced themselves throughout the 3 rooms. Each room had a separate full bar and a ton of food - all appetizers. Veuve Cliquot was served throughout the evening - with a strawberry. There was a guy schucking oysters, a whole wall with sushi chefs making sushi to order, a wall of italian dishes, rack of lamb, lobster tails, king crab, mussels and, of course, tons of veggies. There were people walking around with more fancy looking tidbits. Again, the flower displays were absolutely amazing. They were intricate and hugenormous. I met Jackies' kids in line for sushi - so sweet. Shawn is 14 and Elana is 12. I hadn't seen Shawn since his bris. Ralph treated me like we had just seen each other. He is such a nice guy and so handsome. It felt really good to be here seeing some of the family.
About an hour of eating appetizers the doors to the wedding hall opened. It was truly an amazing sight. Again, the flowers were just stunning. The room was huge and completely covered with flowers. Every table had a display of flowers that was atleast 8 ft tall. There were enormous flower balls hanging from the ceiling too. We all starting dancing right away. A different band was playing in here. They had the usual band musicians with a whole horn section and 5 singers. The music was really fun. I probably danced for a full hour before sitting down. Dinner was served sometime around midnight. I had a beef dish and they also served sea bass. Sea bass must be making a come back. It seemed every restaurant we went to throughout our visit was serving it. The mashed potato thing served in the hashbrown cup was amazing too. Our waiter made sure everyone's Veuve glass was constantly full. The room was so beautiful that it was actually a bit overwhelming. It became very clear that this was no ordinary wedding. The bill for the flowers alone had to be a few hundred thousand dollars. I'm surprised there are any roses left in the city. People at my table pulled out roses from our display. Everyone took 1/2 a dozen each and you couldn't see that the display was missing anything.
These pictures are the best I could do - it was really dark in there. So much of the light was from the little hanging oil lamps. Are these flowers amazing or what? Doesn't Eve look elegant?
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
US Open and Rehearsal Dinner
Eve and I took the crosstown bus and headed down 5th ave to the rehearsal dinner. It was on the top floor of a building overlooking the 59th street bridge. We watched a big orange moon rise from our table. It was amazing to see relatives I haven't seen in about 12 years. As I entered the room I ran into someone I play tennis with - Sue Abrams. We looked at each other and I said 'What are you doing here" Sue said she was a cousin of Jodies and responded that I was a cousin of Jodies!! Really wild. I recognized her mother and we had a lot of fun catching up. Eve and I ended up sitting with Sue and her family. It turned out that our family had little representation since we were all from the west coast. The food and atmosphere were terrific and I was little sad that I don't know my family better.
Happy couple - Lauren and Dana.
Jody and Eve.
On the way out, all the out of town guests got a bag of goodies. This bag had biscotti, cookies, water and lots of chocolate. Eve and I ate from these bags everyday and I still had chocolate when I left New York.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Going to a New York Wedding
First, I need an outfit for the wedding and 2 more for looking sharp at plays. I'm not really comfortable with formal so I head to Nordstrom. Usually someone there can help me. I did find some outfits but felt I could do better. The saleslady sent me to the store at Washington Square. My friend Amy volunteered to help me and we drove on out there. At first, the salespeople had me trying on halter top dresses and other sleeveless items that were atleast $300.00. My arms are not ready for baring and so we went to another department where the saleslady really got what I was looking for. We found a terrific outfit for the wedding with a pair of spanx. Spanx is a word I can't help but say outloud everytime I see it. We also found a perfect pair of little strappy shoes. Better, it was all on sale!! A couple days later I went shopping with Annie and we found the perfect outfits for the going to plays. Yeahh!!
My aunt and I took a look at the online registry at Bloomingdale's for the happy couple. We agreed on a set of coffee cups and saucers and had them giftwrapped. Got that out of the way. Next is a haircut, pedicure, browwax, message and acupucture session. You know what else? - I'll be in New York during the US Open - now we're talking!!
Eve gets to fly direct from LA - I get to fly to LA and then New York. We arrive Thurday night within an hour of each other. Alaska airlines sucks. There was no one in LA to tell me where to go for my next flight. Turns out I have to take 2 buses to get to the next flight. Lucky for me I have 2 hours. Upon arrival in New York, I call Eve to find out where she is and take the air train to meet up so we can split the cab fare to our hotel. It's about midnight when we arrive at our lovely 2 star hotel but we need to get something to eat. No problem, it's New York - lots of restaurants are open.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Getting There is Only Half The Ride
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
70 miles to Ft. Stevens
Monday, August 21, 2006
Ride to the Big Eddy Campground
Our first 20 miles flew by. I was so surprised how fast I was riding. Here I was fully loaded with an extra 50 pounds and I was riding 2 mph faster than normal. I've heard people say they always ride faster in a group. I think I could be pushing myself a bit more on my solo rides!! We made our way to Banks in search of the Banks-Vernonia trail. Somehow, Mike and I missed the very beginning of it and turned off to wait for Dave and Edna when we did. I found some low hanging blackberries and set about picking a bagfull - easy pickins. Here was desert for tonight!! The trail continues on paved for a few miles and then turns to gravel. We knew this and were hoping for hard packed gravel. I'd call it medium packed. I was on a trike so stability wasn't an issue but this trail really was suited more for mountain bike riding. I don't know if I could have done it on a bicycle - I certainly would have been very stressed out. It was alright for the first 3-4 miles and then it started getting old. Off road riding is hard on your equipment and your body. Then the gravel started getting thicker. I wasn't happy about it but the trike handled it just fine. Dave and Edna both almost wiped out and had to walk some of the deeper sections. Mike was so far ahead I don't know how he did. The scenery was gorgeous. We were riding under a canopy of overgrown trees and heavy, thick, lush underbrush most of the time. It smelled good too. Edna and I rode together gabbing away and noticed that the trail was also slightly uphill most of the time. Our speed was somewhere in the 4-6 mph range through the gravel patches. Then we came to the washed out train tressle with a very steep downhill and then walked up an even steeper uphill. Walking with a trike is difficult. My lower back was crying out trying to push this beast up the hill. Luckily, the guys came down to help. I was starting to swear pretty regularly by this time. Everyone else really wanted to ride the whole trail to see what it was all about so we continued. How much longer could it be? There were a few paved sections but mostly it was gravel. We went through one section where the gravel turned to big rocks and we had to move some of them out of the way. There was another steep uphill we all had to walk and by now everyone was ready to be done with this trail. We also passed a section where a new state park is going in. This park should be ready for next years ride. Towards the end of the trail we met a group horse back riding. I wonder how they managed the steep uphills? It wasn't too much longer and we finally got to pavement. It was heaven. From here on out anytime we came across rough road the response was always - " Atleast it is paved!". We stopped at a market in downtown Vernonia and then rode the last miles of the day to the Big Eddy campground. Even after riding all that gravel my average speed was still faster than normal - amazing!! I put out some cheese, salami, and crackers while we had showers and set up camp. Then everyone set about cooking dinner. We really had a lot of food and it turned out to be a nice meal. Mike is so organized with his food. Every meal is labeled what day it is for. I took notes of his techniques. I also tried out my new Snow Peak stove which is the same one Mike has. It is so small if I didn't know it was a stove I doubt I would know what it was for. It worked great although I don't know if I would make couscous again. I especially liked the Jenny Craig pasta dish Edna heated up. Another good idea for the future. We built a blazing fire and enjoyed the evening.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Bridge Pedal and Packing for the Big Ride
Got up at 5 am Sunday to get ready and head out to the start of the Bridge Pedal. I was surprised how quiet the esplanade was. I thought it would be crowded with riders also heading to the start. It was early. I arrived at the starting line around 6:15 behind at least 1,000 other bikers. It felt funny to be surrounded by upright bikes - everyone was so tall. The ride was good. I was a interested to see how I would handle the hill up to the St. John's bridge. It looks intimidating just driving past it. Dropped the gears down and spun my way to the top. I wasn't much faster than the people walking to the top but I really didn't care. Met a woman I know from the recumbent rides as we road up and she asked "When did I get that thing?" and then "When did I switch?" meaning when did I stop riding my fold rush. She asked me a bunch of other questions which showed her displeasure that I was riding a bike different from what I had been riding and different from the bike she is riding. So wierd!! At the rest stop following the big climb I discovered that my flag was gone. Immediately I suspected someone had taken it but as I thought about it more I realized that I could have lost it if I rode under a low hanging branch. The pole would have bent and the flag may have got caught in it. Whatever happened someone has a really nice flag. At some point riding up the St. John's hill I thought someone had yelled "Nice pole!!" but decided I had miss heard them. Turns out I heard right. It was easy riding from then on to the finish. A guy road past me yelling "You are the future - You are the future!!" 3 1/2 hours to complete 36 miles. I stopped at New Season's for lunch on the way home for a tuna sandwich and a chance to get off the trike. About 2 miles from home I got a flat. I was on the phone with Shawn at the time - pretty funny. This was my first flat to fix by myself. I was actually kind of excited about it. As the bike came to a stop I could feel and hear air coming out of the tire. I felt certain it was a piece of glass but when I took out the tube and felt around the tire I couldn't find anything. I put in a new tube knowing the cause of the flat still lurked. Sure enough, the new tube flatted 1/2 mile down the road. I found the hole in the wheel but still couldn't see anything. I started digging in the tire with a key and found the glass. It took awhile but I finally got it and made it home.
First thing Monday I order a new flag for overnight delivery. I liked the way that flag looked and really wanted it for the ride to the coast. Then I went back to the safety store for more reflective tape to add the new flag when it arrives. Next stop was to drop off my car to have a hitch installed at Rack Attack. I already purchased a rack for the trike. This way I could drive over to Mike's house Wednesday morning and ride with the others to Vernonia. From there I walked to NW and my massage appointment with Jessica. It was a really nice message. My body is doing so good and so much better than when I started body work. After that I met Gloria at Mio Sushi. It was really good to see Glo and the sushi was good too. We walked down to REI so I could pick up a couple things for my trip. She drove me back to Rack Attack to get my car. I don't think I've ever seen an Audi A4 with a hitch. The hitch looks alright. Made a couple of other stops on the way home and set out to start packing for the trip. Put the trike rack together and installed it in the new hitch. Very fancy!! Took the tail sok off and packed it up so I can put it in Edna and Dave's van so they can take it the retreat for me. I can't use the tail sok with the bags - yet. I've got some ideas how to make that work and I'll be talking to Robert and Pat of Terracycle about putting those in play. Put the fairing back on the trike which I haven't used since returning from Kentucky. I didn't get nearly as much done as I had hoped but I still have tomorrow.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Goin' to Annie and Shawn's
I'm getting ready to take the trike down to Annie and Shawn's in preparation of tomorrow's Bridge Pedal ride. I really want to start the ride around 6:30. 23,000 bikers rode last year. By starting early I will hopefully get ahead of the families and kids. This way I won't have to get up so early. It's about a 6 mile ride to the start from thier house and close to 20 miles from my house. I got a new mini lawn flag and put some reflective tape on it for additional visibility. I'd like to stop off at Mallory's to get more reflective tape and I'll also stop at New Season's market to pick up my registration packet on my way down today. It will be good to see Annie and Shawn - it has been awhile.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Rowena Doesn't Get Her Teeth Cleaned
I also went to the dentist and got my teeth cleaned. They are looking good. One of my implants has come loose so I'll be going to my old dentist tomorrow to have her tighten it up.
Later in the day I got my bloodwork results from my new doc at St. Vincents. My prolactin levels are 28. Yaahoo!! This is great news. The last few times I've had this test done the levels were approaching 50. They are supposed to be under 25. The doctor also wants me to lower my dosage of synthroid. My thyroid apprears to be stronger as well. About 2 months ago I started using progesterone cream with good results. I noticed that I was feeling calmer - inside. Much less anxious. Could it be affecting my prolactin and possibly thyroid hormone levels? Wouldn't it be great if these two problems could be eleviated with an over the counter cream?!?!? This will motivate me to keep using it.
I also took the time to change tires on the trike today. I'm so glad I did. It was hard but I did it. On the first try, the tube got a snake bite puncture when I pumped it up. Then I couldn't get the patches to stick to the tube. Maybe the patches were old - I used patches from another kit and those worked just fine. Then I changed out the rear tire. It also took awhile but I finally got it. At least I know I've done it once. I tell you those 20" wheels are hard to get the tires off of!!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Sauvie Island
Something around 60 miles for the day.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Breaking in the Tailsok
All throughout the ride I noticed that the hills were so much easier on the trike. I am so pleased with this bike. I feel like hills are no longer an issue. What a great feeling to not have to worry about that. I continued down the 205 path to the Springwater trail. Gave Shawn a call to see if he was around but no, he was kayaking. Got down to the Esplanade and decided since everyone was being so serious it was time to put on the headphones. Biking with music is great. I have a lot of classical music recorded. Mostly Bach, Stravinsky and Chopin. It seemed like as soon as I tuned out I started getting more positive reactions from people. There were families with kids out on the Esplanade and they seemed to get a real kick out of the trike. I got to the Steele Bridge and headed up Interstate. There's a long gradual climb up this street and I had Carmina Burana playing - very fun music. I was on my way to Barbie's house when a guy on a homemade trike pulls up. His trike looked like it was built from an erector set. He was pretty excited. As we were talking a young kid comes up to ask about the trikes saying he is looking for ideas for next years college human power vehicle contest. The trike guy goes off on him saying he needs to build bikes for older people to get them out of their cars. He started telling this kid about all the global warming issues his generation will have to endure. It was a little much. The kid finally cut him off and said he had to go. Luckily, my turn was the next street. Had a nice visit with Barbie while she was taking a break from painting her house. What a job!! After that I made my way over the Interstate Bridge and back home. Once I got to Vancouver I got a lot a people pulling up and telling me how much they liked the trike. One car full of kids were screaming how much they loved it. Very fun. I had Bach's Italian Concerto playing on my way up the Hazel Dell hill. Terrific!! All in all a good day!!
52 miles.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Back on the trike
On Tuesday I went for a 40 mile ride with the Vancouver Bike Club. A weekly ride that starts at the Oxford Athletic Club and meanders east to Bad Boyz Cycling shop in Camas. There were about 20 riders. I was the only one not on an upright bike. Everyone took great interest in the trike. Most of the bikers were older men - many who do this ride regularly. Good guys!! I was definitely the slowest while we were climbing otherwise I hung in there alright. A couple of guys stayed back with me. We did one short steep climb of 11 %. It wasn't too bad as I just spun my way to the top. I was tired but felt good after this ride. I think I'll attempt it again next week. They said it was the longest ride they could remember ever doing. I'm trying to get my miles up for the ride to the coast in a couple of weeks. I'd like to be able to do 50-70 miles 2 days in a row. Maybe I can do the first 2 days of riding this weekend. What I really need to do is practice changing the tires on the trike at home before it happens for real.
I also sent a package to Deborah. I bought a new digital camera so I sent her the old one. I also finished a couple of books she lent me. The most important part of the package was a letter telling her I'm not moving the Kentucky - at least not now. Hopefully, she'll understand.
Monday, July 10, 2006
bump in the road
I talked to Deborah again yesterday about moving here and she really doesn't want me staying in her house. She is so worried we won't get along and it will affect our relationship. She insists I'll be happier in Louisville. The problem I'm having with moving to Louisville is I don't know anyone in Louisville. The tennis club is great, the neigborhood is really nice but it will take me over a year to feel comfortable there. Do I really want to move some place where I don't know anyone? It would be an easier transition if I could live with Deborah and find my way around Louisville before living there. She is so busy with her property I don't know how much we would see each other. I guess I could drive over to Frankfort on weekends to see her. Of course, we would probably spend most of the time working on her place. It feels really lonely. This isn't what I had in mind. Again, I'll see how I feel about the move when I get back to Vancouver but today I'm concerned this move isn't a good idea. I'm pretty down about it today.
I spent a lot of time today trying to figuring out how to get the trike back to Vancouver. It comes with a video describing how to break it down into 2 suitcases that can be checked on an airplane. It gives the sizes of the suitcases as well - it just doesn't say where to get them. I'm looking for the old style cloth suitcases with one zipper. I went to Goodwill, a couple of pawnshops and a collectables shop with no luck. I found suitcases but they were too small. Everything now has wheels and a long collapsible handle. I found a bike website that has the right size but I don't think I can get it shipped to me in time. I'll check with UPS and see what they can do for me tomorrow. If I can get it shipped back arriving a couple of days after my return that will be ok too. I'm eager to try taking the trike apart - the video makes it look totally doable. I'm also looking forward to riding it in Portland.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Kentucky dawg encounter
Rode 10.7 miles
Average 8.7 mph
Max speed 31 mph
Visit to the Tennis Club
Jules Comes For a Visit
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Its all feeling easier
Helped out with mowing and watering and then went for a bike ride. It was much more comfortable today. Again, I'm seeing people be amused by the trike. Crusty old farmers on thier tractors are smiling and waving at me. I'm sure it is an odd site for these guys. I expanded the ride a bit today. Went to the end of Bridgeport Rd and back, down Sheep Pen Rd and then Smith Rd just into Shelby county before turning around. I heard some thunder and returned just as it stared to rain. The rain only lasted 10 minutes but its hard to know how these things will develop. I'm glad I did because my thighs were really sore when I got off the bike. Funny that I didn't feel it while I was riding. Anyway, I ended up doing 12.5 miles. This is hard riding for me. Its so much hillier than I am used to. The steering and braking is getting easier although I don't think I could trace the white line yet especially at high speed.
12.5 miles
8.7 average speed
31 max speed
Monday, June 26, 2006
Made it to Kentucky
It almost feels unreal being here. I've been thinking about being here and anticipating what it would feel like for a couple of months now.
Ro - at the airport - in the carrier.
I've got to start with Rowena - amazing. She spent 12 hours in a little carrier without meowing or fussing at all. I've always thought of her as very sensitive but she showed me just how tough she is. It felt like she totally trusted me and surrendered to the whole experience. I brought her out of the carrier at both stops - Seattle and Chicago - to let her stretch her legs in the baby changing stations of the women's room. Once we got to Kentucky I expected she would spend 2 days under the bed but no, she started exploring right away. Typically, this is a cat that barely sticks her head out the back door of the condo. Not only has she been outside - she been walking far from the house. I call her in and she kind of 'mosies' back to the house.
The trike - isn't it beautiful!!
I'll get pictures in better settings soon - but I couldn't wait to show it off!!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Flying Out
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Finally!! - A Dry Day
Nancy had a bbq for us fatherless folk. The food, drink and company was terrific. Here are some pictures with Warren, Jane, Yumi and Nancy.
30 miles ridden
33.4 max speed
11.1 average
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Trip Stuff and Quiet
Its supposed to be nice weather tomorrow - finally!! Maybe tomorrow I'll go for a bike ride. Its father's day and I don't really have anything to do until evening. Nancy invited a few people over for a bbq.
Walked 2 miles to the store and back.
Friday, June 16, 2006
So Much To Do
1 1/2 hours tennis doubles
Monday, June 12, 2006
A Lazy Day
Yumi went to Costco and bought me some cat litter and dropped it off - very thoughtful. Costco has the best litter. Nancy called and asked me to come over to the club to take pictures of the national Mother/Daughter tennis tournament finalists and trophy presentation. Good tennis.
Watched the men's final of the French Open and my man, Roger, couldn't get past Rafa - again. He looked out of sorts through most of the match and I didn't have the feeling he believed he could win even after taking the first set 6-1. He was playing for his first French title and to hold all four grand slam titles at once. What an opportunity - it's difficult to believe this will come around again. I think he can win the French though for a career grand slam. He has got to be really bummed today. I just hope this loss doesn't affect his Wimbledon performance. Nadal was amazing!! He played every point as if it was the most important point of the match. The mental strength to keep that up is staggering. I'll bet he turns that mental toughness into many big wins on other surfaces.
I cleaned the house!! Only been thinking about that for a while - procrastinating as long as possible. It feels good.
So that was yesterday - it's noon now and I've already played tennis twice. Started at 7:30 am. My stomach is giving me some grief so we'll see if I make it to ladies night.
I found a vet for Ro, had her shots and got a certificate of health for the flight next week. The vet didn't think she would need a seditive and suggested a small dose of benadril instead of a presciption medication. She also has some gingivitis on both sides in the back of her mouth. He suggested I wait until we get back from our trip for the dental work. She might lose a tooth. It looks irritated and tender. I think I'll call another vet to get a second opinion. If it was my mouth I'd want it taken care of... Next I have to find a cat carrier - called the airlines and got the dimensions.
3 hours tennis doubles
Saturday, June 10, 2006
A Different Ride
Rode 28 miles
Max speed 35.4
Average speed 10.6
Friday, June 09, 2006
Tennis and Bike Repair
Here I am with the gals in red- Yumi and Nancy.
When I got home, I plugged in the address for the ride I was planning on doing tomorrow and found it will take almost 2 hours to get there. I would have to get up at 4 to start riding at 7 am. Suddenly, this ride isn't looking so good. I did this ride last year but I lived about 40 minutes closer. Well, there are other closer rides coming up.
3 hrs tennis
Thursday, June 08, 2006
A Grey Day
Spent too much time watching the women's semifinal French Open matches this morning. Vaidisova was up a set and serving at 5-4 for the match but couldn't close it out. Kuznetsova turned it around to win in three. Vaidisova is only 17 and definitely has a big game. It will be interesting to see how she responds to this loss. In the other semifinal Henin-Hardenne took out Kim Clijsters pretty easily. It's hard not to see Henin taking the title for a third time Saturday.
Subbed for someone at the "C" + "B" city league team practice. These are really nice ladies who play a mean game. I always enjoy playing with people who are better than I am. We were playing doubles so my weaknesses weren't too glaring.
Later in the afternoon I met with my women's group. We get together every other week and use a book as a spring board to discuss other issues. Mostly just how we feel about stuff.
1 1/2 hours tennis doubles
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Massage and Tennis Day
After that I went to visit with my buddies at the Marshall Street clinic.
All lathered up, I met some of the tennis ladies at the Clark College courts. The super senior team is going to Sun River for playoffs and they need to practice outside in the elements.
I was thinking about my bike ride yesterday and how well I did on the hills. I climbed far more than I ever have. I must have chugged my way up 10 good hills. Before yesterday, I was worried about climbing 2 hills. Its almost as if I'm getting used to huffing and puffing. Its not worrying me as much as it used to. I did have to stop at the top of one hill that I mistakenly took in the middle chain ring. Tomorrow I'll try that one in the granny gear. I'm thinking about expanding the ride a bit more tomorrow maybe to 35 miles. This time I've got my maps. I've also got a camera to document it. My ride yesterday really helped my confidence. Saturday I'm looking at doing a charity club ride. It starts in Lebanon, Or with 35, 55, 76 or 100 mile options. I'm thinking about doing the 76 mile option. I'll probably make that decision at the 55 mile turn around point.
Its back to watching the French Open tape - hopefully, the matches will be better!!
1 1/2 hours tennis doubles
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
A Gorgeous Day for a Ride
I have decided one of my favorite things to do is wave and say 'Hello' to people as I ride. This bike is so fun - I'm riding in a chair looking up and around at everything and everyone.
After the ride and running a bunch of errands, including making a copy of a map and buying a camera, some of the tennis ladies got together for Mah Jongg. We are just learning. This is my second time playing and it is a very confusing game. Even though we are having trouble learning we try to have fun with it. The wine sure helps.
Rode 28 miles
Max speed = 34.4
Average speed = 11.2
Monday, June 05, 2006
Adding to the Stable

After riding the Fold Rush for a year I've discovered it is going to take longer than anticipated for me to be a confident rider. A lot of it is mental. I see a big hill coming up and mentally I just shut down. Sometimes I'm not even my lowest gear before I bail and start walking. It feels like something I'll overecome but it will take time. I'm sure some of it is the extra weight I'm carrying. It's got to be harder to climb hills pulling an extra 60 lbs. I had really hoped that biking would help me lose weight but so far it hasn't. I probably need to ride more to see better results. The weather has been so wet this winter and spring that I haven't been out as much as I would like. My regular riding started in May this year and I've been putting in around 80 miles a week. What I really want is to do more long distance riding. It's turned into an obsession with me but hills have become an obstacle. It would be great if a hill could be just a hill. I don't need to be fast up the hill but I want to get up them without dying or walking. A couple of months ago I was at an organized ride where a guy let me try out his Cat trike. Wow, what fun. I rode it around a gravel parking lot with such confidence. Gravel is something that makes me very nervous riding my Fold Rush or Cannondale. It got me to thinking. I started researching trikes and came to realize this might be just the ticket to get me out more and riding with confidence. The Greenspeed trikes, in particular, caught my fancy. These are trikes built for touring. I test rode one and it was so much fun. Everything about it felt solid. The one I was looking at, the GTO, has 81 gears. Someone once said it has enough gears to ride up a tree. Sounds good to me. I went ahead and ordered it and am really excited about this purchase. Since then I've ridden another cat trike that had a tail sok. It was so cool that I've ordered a tail sok for the GTO. Bright green and so slick. I also ordered a fairing. Most people talk about aerodynamic benefits with a fairing but I think you have to be pretty fast to see that. What I like about a fairing is the protection from the bugs, wind and rain. It really helps to keep my feet dry in wet weather. Overall, this feels like a bike I can ride anywhere. I'm sure I won't be fast but at this point I don't really care - I just want to make it up any hill. With a trike you can stop on a hill, catch your breath, and then carry on up when you are ready without getting off the bike. I'm picking up the trike later this month when I go visit my sister in Kentucky. I'll get lots of practice riding hills there. It should be fun!!
Played 1 1/2 hours of tennis doubles
Rode 22 miles max speed = 33.7
average speed = 11.4
Sunday, June 04, 2006
A Milestone

Here I am with my friend Shawn at the beginning of the LiveStrong Ride.
But what does any of this have to do with today's milestone? Well, for all the time I've been riding I have never changed a flat tire. I've always carried everything needed for the job - tire levers, patch kit, pump and tubes. I even took a class to learn how. Both times I had a flat someone was there to help out. Now that I've been riding out in the country alone I started to feel like this was something I needed to know how to do. I could just see myself out there, miles from home, walking and crying with frustration. This was not a pretty picture and so a couple of days ago I decided this was the day I would learn. I took an icepick and punctured a perfectly good tire and set about repairing it. In true form, I had to make every mistake possible before I got it. I started with the tire levers but could only get one under the tire. After 3 trips to 2 different bike shops and many tears I finally got it. I practiced a few more times and now, I am ready for the road!!
Poured down rain all day, slept in, watched the French Open, never got out of my robe.