Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Kentucky dawg encounter

Monday, I went for a ride and Julie for a jog. I went out Bridgeport rd across US 60 and then down Brown's ln. I followed it about 2 miles when it turned to gravel and ended on someone's property. Of course a couple of dogs came running out to me. They seemed friendly until I backed up the trike to turn it around. There was an old irish setter and younger dalmation. The dalmation didn't like me backing up and bit me on the back of my upper left arm. I'm so low to the ground my arm was right at snout level. It was pretty hard but didn't break the skin - a strong warning. I reached down and blew my airzound horn and both of them ran off. I didn't waste any time getting out of there. Once I got back on the pavement I was able to look at the bite marks closer. I thought if the skin was broken I'd probably have to go the hospital for some kind of shots. So, all in all it could have been worse. I really feel it was my own fault for riding on the property. Those dogs were just doing thier job. When the road goes to gravel - beware!! I rode back out to Bridgeport Rd and then down 1667 for a couple of miles and turned around. Rode to the end of Bridgeport Rd and then turned around and headed home.

Rode 10.7 miles
Average 8.7 mph
Max speed 31 mph

1 comment:

  1. Sylvia,
    I'm so excited to find your blog! I can't wait to hear from you live and in person to get the juice about your trip. I'm so glad you're writing all of this down. I think you'll be able to look back on some of the things you wrote and will be able to solve the great mysteries of the world . . . and if not, what a wonderful way to document your adventures. I look forward to reading more. Will she return to the west coast . . . who knows.

    xoxo, LTW
