
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Austin to Gay Hill, TX

January 4 - 9, 2016

Garmin Info with Maps

Thanks Walt for the hip place to stay
Cool car on the street in Austin
After a relaxing 5 nights staying with friends in Buda and Austin, I was ready to push on. A big, big thanks to Gary and Walt for taking such good care of me. It was so nice to spend 5 days free of having to figure everything out. I am also starting to feel more relaxed about the route from here to the end of my tour in Florida. There are so many towns going east I won't have to do any more big cycling days. That is a relief. I can do 50 or even 60 miles in a day but I would much rather ride 35-40, or even less. That's the mileage I'm most comfortable with.  I can take my time and enjoy the scenery, stop to chat or take photos knowing I'll make my destination early enough to take care of any maintenance issues without feeling rushed. 

Low flying plane riding passed the airport
I used Google, as usual, to plot a course out of Austin. My first stop was the post office to mail home items I no longer need. The biggest item was a pair of shoes I replaced with a new pair from REI. I mailed off about 4 lbs worth and then went to HEB, my newest favorite grocery store, and quickly purchased at least that much weight in food and water.  Congress Ave was a good street to take out of town and across the Colorado River. I have crossed the Colorado River many, many times on this tour. Today had a fairly strong side wind but the sunshine warmed me up quickly. The route Google maps plotted took me south of the airport on some goods roads that also included a good amount of climbing. From Burleson, I took a zig-zag route to hwy 71. 

Great Thai food with Buddhists

Thai Buddhist monastery
On Linden Ave in Del Valle, I came across an unusual sight. I was looking for a place to stop and make a snack - a table top of some kind. I pulled into a Buddhist monastery when I saw a picnic table. As I pulled in, a man came out to say everyone was busy inside with prayers. He didn't think anyone would mind me being there. Once prayers were over, a woman came out to invite me inside to eat with them. I was almost finished eating my sandwich and thanked her. After I put everything away I decided to go in and use the bathroom. Oh my, did they have an amazing spread of food set out. Next thing I know, I've got a plate and fork put in my hand and a chair is pulled up to the table for me. Everyone was Thai or Lao and the table was full of fantastic Thai dishes. Even though I really wasn't hungry, I ate and everything was soooo good. There were probably 15 people around the table and mostly women. One young woman explained that her mother had just died and they were wishing her a good journey to her next life. Buddhists believe in reincarnation. I'm sure the young woman was very sad but this wasn't a sad occasion. The food just kept coming my way and they all wanted to know what I was doing.  They had so much food left over I got a large bag to take with me. It was very heavy but I couldn't say 'no'. I thanked them for everything and couldn't believe my lucky timing. They asked me to invite other cyclists to stop by. The big meal of the day is always after noon-time prayers. With all the shopping I did this morning and now a big bag of Thai leftovers, I was carrying a much heavier load than usual. I didn't know where to put all the food and hung it from the head rest hanging off the side of the seat until I could go through it all later.

I found a Buddhist monastery where I met lovely people

Some of the food my new Buddhist friends packed for me

A beautiful day on the road

I continued turning on Pierce road where I met a young couple touring with 2 dogs. I pulled over to say hello and with my right wheel in the gravel, maybe a half inch lower than the road, promptly fell over. Now that is a first. I had so much weight on one side the trike tipped over. Wow! I wasn't hurt and the couple were quite stunned by the sight. I not only had a huge bag of Thai leftovers and groceries but my snack bag was completely full as well. I guess I found the weight limit for hanging bags off the side, huh? I still didn't know what to do with all the food and simply hung the bags from the other side.

Mark and Georgia cycling west with 2 dogs
Biscuit and Ladybug 

This couple, Mark and Georgia, are very friendly and on a year's tour to circumnavigate the US. They have a blog at: freedompedalers.comBiscuit and Ladybug are fairly big dogs which must be a lot to pull and take care of. The couple seemed to be having a great time. They warned me to avoid Bastrop State park. The hills are so steep they had to walk and were surprised Adventure Cycling would include such a tough section on the route. I don't have the Southern Tier maps but was planning on staying there tonight. They suggested staying on the hwy and camping at a KOA in town. It would be more expensive but would save myself a lot of time and pain. I thought that sounded like a good idea.

Camping at Bastrop RV Park

Sweet donkey

I continued on to Hwy 71 which is a busy road but also has a huge shoulder. This was really a beautiful day and much warmer than it has been in a while. I love warm weather and was soaking up all the sunshine.  Just as I came into Bastrop I saw a sign for camping and pulled in. The Bastrop RV park is very inviting with lots of green grass, a pond and sweet miniature horses and donkeys out grazing together.  RV parks don't always accept tents but this one does. I got a lovely spot out of the wind for $10. Beverly, who runs the park, is very sweet and enthusiastic about inviting ST cyclists to stay. The property looks like it was a ranch at one time. Beverly lives in a really beautiful and stately large home. Most of the RVers live full time and some of them also own the miniature horses grazing out by the pond. I quickly got set up and was looking forward to more of that scrumptious Thai food for dinner.

Miniature Horses at Bastrop RV Park
Miniature horses and donkeys around the pond.
After one of the best night's rest I've ever had camping, I got packed up. I managed to find a place in the bags for the rest of the left overs so I shouldn't be tipping over anymore, haha! The morning was, again, cold and there was a wind blowing. Luckily, the sun was up and warming the air. It's hard to get out of the tent to make breakfast when it is so cold. I set my tent facing the sun to dry off some of the condensation and I had to be careful the tent didn't blow away. 

Sticky rice wrapped in banana leaf snack-yum!
Today's ride was all on Hwy 71 to La Grange. It was another beautiful day and warmed up enough I could take the plastic bags off my socks and cycling without a jacket, gloves or skull cap. This was one of my strangest days cycling anywhere. All day long drivers and passengers in trucks were flipping me off. All day! It certainly isn't the first time I've had rude fingers waved my direction but today, it must have happened 10 times. Hwy 71 has a huge shoulder and I am in no way a hindrance. Another trike could ride next to me in the shoulder and we would still be to the right of the rumble strip much less the road.  One driver passed me going up a hill and flipped me off until I couldn't see him any more. I couldn't hear what he was saying but it was obvious he was yelling at me in his cab; the whole way up the hill! When I got to La Grange a truck took the exit with me. His passenger flipped me off and then they got right back on the highway. These guys actually exited just so they could flip me off. It was all very weird and I have no idea what to say about it. Maybe flipping off cyclists is the thing to do in La Grange. 

I made the front page in La Grange, TX!
I stopped at a HEB to get groceries. While I was putting my groceries away a reporter for the local paper stopped me. He asked a couple of questions, snapped a pic with his phone and said his story of my trip would probably be in the paper. I gave Pancho my card and asked if he could send me a link to the story when it runs. This has actually happened many times while touring. Since my story isn't urgent news, you never know when it will run or if it will run. He wrote to me a few days later to send me the link. I made the top story on the front page!  Pancho had done some research checking out my Facebook profile and included the post about being flipped off coming into La Grange. Another nice momento.

Crossing a river on a beautiful day

Ranch gate

The next day it stormed with lots of rain and strong winds. I stayed put in La Grange working on my journal. I like my rest days and especially when I'm in an inexpensive and comfortable motel where I can relax and get some work done. My blog is something that needs time. Every entry takes me hours to do and it simply can't be rushed. The next day I got packed up for a ride to Carmine. I would be staying with Warm Shower's host Carol Montgomery on her ranch a few miles out of town. This was a beautiful ride through little historic towns of Warrenton and Round Top. The landscape was also changing as I started seeing majestic live oak trees. The terrain was soft rolling hills with a good climb into Round Top. This town hosts the biggest antique shows in the country twice a year. There are massive empty buildings that dealers rent and lots of signs for pop up RV parks. There are also many quaint and expensive looking B&B's. 

Antique Gas Station signs
Roadside art
Unpaved and muddy road to Carol's
Carmine landmark
I stopped in Carmine at a lovely city park to make my lunch. Wow it was a beautiful day. Then I continued on to Carol's ranch which isn't all that easy to find. I traveled on a few miles of unpaved roads and after yesterday's storm there were big puddles and lots of mud. Finally, I arrived at Carol's and she remembered me from 4 years ago when I last stayed on my moto-Myrtle tour through the area. She is a true Warm Showers legend and loves hosting. She estimates she has hosted more than 700 cyclists over the years. The second floor of her barn has been turned into a bunkhouse. It has many beds with linens, a full kitchen and bathroom. Funny enough, the bathroom doesn't have a shower but a large clawfoot tub with a handheld shower head. I love the bunkhouse. Carol's property is gorgeous and the view from the balcony is fantastic. She always makes a good dinner for her guests. If you arrive after dark, she will leave it for you in the bunkhouse kitchen. She also provides eggs and toast for breakfast which cyclist can make for themselves at their own time in the morning. Carol has a huge guestbook with pictures and comments of almost all of the cyclists who have stayed. Carol is 86 years old and shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. In the morning she went off to the gym to exercise.  Generous and inspiring lady!

Carol, the legendary Warm Showers hostess

Lots of deer in Carol's yard

Myrtle in the barn
Tour of the bunkhouse

Very foggy morning
The fog was so thick in the morning I waited until the sun could work it's magic before I felt safe to pedal on. Going out on the unpaved roads was slow going but soon I was on Sandtown Rd riding in gorgeous scenery on a beautiful day through the small town of Burton. Today I was going to another Warm Showers host and not very far. I met Steve and Gail 4 year's ago when I was also riding from Carol's house. Steve and some friends were finishing up a morning ride and invited me to have lunch with them. I thought we were going to a restaurant but he escorted me to the Gay Hill Cycling Clubhouse. This place is amazing! Steve and his wife have completely restored an old bungalow and it is primarily used by his cycling buddies, mostly from Houston. Every Saturday morning, they meet up for a ride. Steve never knows who will show. Sometimes there's a few and sometimes there's more than 20. They are all very professional people: doctors, lawyers and oil execs. He also has local people take care of the house to help get it ready every weekend. It is loaded with anything a cyclist could need. The fridge is stocked with food and beer. There's filtered water for drinking, complete laundry facilities, fully stocked bathroom with plush towels and even an outdoor shower with hot water. When I met Steve 4 year's ago, he invited me to stay at the clubhouse. There are 2 beautiful bedrooms. Everything about the house is beautiful. The first time I came, he and his buddy's went back to Houston and I stayed in the clubhouse enjoying every minute.  The next 2 days it rained and I stayed in this lovely home. It was a dream come true and maybe the most comfortable place I've ever stayed on tour. And this is the guest house. Steve and Gail stay in the main house on the large and lush property. 

Historic home on the road to Gay Hill
Gay Hill Cycling Clubhouse
Video tour of the Gay Hill Cycling Clubhouse

With Steve and Gail

I arrived on Friday afternoon just ahead of a big thunderstorm. Steve and Gail came up from Houston and made me a fantastic dinner with a very nice bottle of wine. The next day I stayed to meet all the cycling buddies. There had been a big rain storm all night and the winds were still blowing strong in the morning. No one was deterred and a half-dozen guys showed up to ride. One guy drove up in a Tesla. The headwinds while driving were so strong the batteries needed to be plugged in so he could make it home later. All the guys gave him a hard time which was pretty funny. I really enjoyed meeting everyone. I guy, got up very early to bake a loaf of artisan bread. Wow, was it good! Later in the day, Steve saw a touring cyclist ride passed and he chased him down. Charles, who is also riding east, stayed with me in the clubhouse and I think he was very happy to be in such a comfortable place. 

Cool outdoor shower that even has hot water

Gail and Steve seeing Charles off in the morning, bbbbrrrrr cold!
I love Warm Showers. Every experience is rich and very different. Steve is now on Warm Showers and just like staying with Carol, this is a not-to-be-missed stop. In the morning, Charles got going early. The sun was shining but the temps were very cold. I chatted with Steve and Gail finishing another cup of coffee to give temps a chance to rise above 35.


  1. I love Texas, have a daughter that has lived in Austin and Houston, now are expats in London!!! Loved your pictures and your stories about all the wonderful people you have met and are meeting!!! Stay safe Sylvia and keep the pictures coming!!!!

  2. A German friend and I met Steve in Carmine when we were doing Southern Tier to the Mississippi (before turning and following the Mississippi River Trail north to Memphis). I was waiting on the side of the road for my friend to catch up, when Steve came across the road. He told me about his house, and said if we wanted to stay there, we could. He was not going to be there. We took him up on the offer, and set up our tents in the backyard. The shower was awesome! Gotta love people like Steve!

    1. Steve and Gail are true trail angels. Glad you met him!
