
Sunday, August 02, 2015

Making Hummus on the Road

I love hummus and eat it almost every day. In the past, I've used store bought hummus but recently discovered I have a sensitivity to nightshade foods. Most store brands of hummus contain paprika and cayenne which are also nightshades. Trying to avoid nightshades, I've started making my own hummus. Thinking of my next tour, I wondered if anyone had a technique for making hummus on the road especially while camping. I started a discussion on the Facebook vegan bicycle touring group and within a few minutes we came up with a method I thought would work and was excited to try out.

Hummus is traditionally made with garbanzo beans but can be made with many different types of beans. I decided to use white cannellini beans for this recipe. I bought 2 cans. One can was opened, the water drained and the beans poured into a large ziploc baggy. Then I added fresh lemon and crushed garlic, curry powder, tahini, olive oil and salt. I closed up the bag and used the second can to mash the beans and mix the ingredients. I squeezed the lemon into the top of the bag and the seeds were easy to remove. There are many wonderful recipes for hummus and you can add whatever ingredients you prefer. After the desired consistency and taste is achieved, the hummus can be stored and saved in the same baggy.  On the road, I will probably double bag to avoid surprises. 

Use a full can to mash beans and mix ingredients

The only extra implements needed are a fork to crush the garlic, a knife to cut the lemon and a can opener.  These are things I always carry on tour. 

Delicious hummus.

This really is a quick, easy and no mess technique for making hummus with ingredients that can be found anywhere.

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