
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Quiet time

Yesterday, I took my cat Ro to the vets to be put down. She has been a dear, dear friend for over 16 years. What a love and a little sweetie!! Her kidneys and liver had been failing for the last 6 months and it seemed she was in a lot of pain whenever she used the box. Animals tend to have a higher threshold for pain and I'll bet she was in more than she let on. Thursday afternoon the pain appeared to be worse than before and I couldn't take it anymore. I called the vet to make an appointment to talk about putting her down. I wasn't sure it would happen on Friday but in the morning I went to the bathroom and discovered Ro had sprayed diarrhea all over a wall. Poor little thing!! That was a clear sign it was time to put her down. Larry Pike met me at the vets. It was nice to have his support - not having to do it alone. The vet gave her a shot and she was gone within seconds. I think she was gone before the vet finished giving her the shot. She quietly fell asleep in my arms. It felt very humane. Crying as we left the room, I gave her one last kiss, sniff and pet. I know she will always be with me. It sure is quiet around the house without her.

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