
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Its all feeling easier

Lovely day!! I keep expecting the high humidity this area is known for in the summer. I'm sure it's coming. Portland has been in the triple digits and the east is drowning in flood waters. Who would have thought Kentucky's weather would be desirable? Watched Roger and Andy win thier second round matches. Roger looks terrific and so focused. What a joy he is to watch.

Helped out with mowing and watering and then went for a bike ride. It was much more comfortable today. Again, I'm seeing people be amused by the trike. Crusty old farmers on thier tractors are smiling and waving at me. I'm sure it is an odd site for these guys. I expanded the ride a bit today. Went to the end of Bridgeport Rd and back, down Sheep Pen Rd and then Smith Rd just into Shelby county before turning around. I heard some thunder and returned just as it stared to rain. The rain only lasted 10 minutes but its hard to know how these things will develop. I'm glad I did because my thighs were really sore when I got off the bike. Funny that I didn't feel it while I was riding. Anyway, I ended up doing 12.5 miles. This is hard riding for me. Its so much hillier than I am used to. The steering and braking is getting easier although I don't think I could trace the white line yet especially at high speed.

12.5 miles
8.7 average speed
31 max speed

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