
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Gorgeous Day for a Ride

It was just beautiful today. Low 70's and a light wind. After watching Venus Williams eliminated from the French Open I hit the road. I extended my route today an additional 6 miles. Looking at the map I saw a way to add miles to the loop by a comfortable amount. Instead of taking a map I just wrote down the street names and what direction to turn. Well, I missed writing down 1 street and had to knock on a farm house door for directions. The woman who answered was very helpful. There is so much wildlife on the route that I decided I need to get a camera. I think it will be fun to add images to the blog. This route is very challenging for me with lots of hills. One hill takes me 10 minutes to climb.

I have decided one of my favorite things to do is wave and say 'Hello' to people as I ride. This bike is so fun - I'm riding in a chair looking up and around at everything and everyone.

After the ride and running a bunch of errands, including making a copy of a map and buying a camera, some of the tennis ladies got together for Mah Jongg. We are just learning. This is my second time playing and it is a very confusing game. Even though we are having trouble learning we try to have fun with it. The wine sure helps.

Rode 28 miles
Max speed = 34.4
Average speed = 11.2

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